IPv4 and IPv6 are two versions of Internet Protocol now in use, and they determine how an IP address looks. The main difference between IPv4 and IPv6 is the number of possible addresses.
it’s based on 32 bits and it can generate around 4 billion unique IP addresses. An IPv4 address looks like
it’s based on 128 bits, and it can generate 3.4 x 1038possible addresses. An IPv6 address looks like 2001:0DB8:AC10:FE01:0000:0000:0001:0000.
Currently, most Internet service providers still use IPv4. The main reasons why IPv6 has not been implemented are because IPv6 isn’t backward compatible with IPv4 and IPv4 still suits our needs.
iTop IP Checker offers you an easy way to lookup an IP address. You’ll be able to:
Verify an IP address
Track and locate an IP address, with its detailed information