Search for best free porn websites to watch some hottest HD porn videos? There are the 4 best free porn sites. Access them with the best free porn VPN.
If the internet is the quickest way of finding information today, then sex will be the top one of most frequently searched subjects on search engines. In an empirical study, 372 people are typing the word "adult" into a search engine and about 28,258 users are watching pornography on the internet every second. According to a nationally representative survey, 84.4% of males and 57% of females have viewed pornography.
When there is a need, there is a market. Watching porn isn’t necessarily a sin today. To release pressure & get entertained is our birthright and we shall be allowed to watch porn privately. For quick reaching the hottest babes & rugged boys, here we going to discuss & rank the best free porn websites on the internet for time & economy efficiency, with no pay and totally free.
But don’t forget to watch those free porn sites anonymously & privately, in case the unnecessary awkwardness. In that case, a free VPN that could hide your traffic from the public & clean up your visit trace would be helpful for you to protect privacy, gives you a chance to watch porn privately & safely in high speed. is undoubtedly ranked as the highest top of best free porn websites. No matter from the visitor traffic per day, or the number of porn videos on its site, the is the king of kings and lord of lords and few competitors could match. Click to see how to unblock Xvideos easily with a VPN.
Even though it's a free site, the contents include all categories of porn niches, and the number of porn resources are shocking to count. Not to mention the XVideos offers a file accessing service for a registered member (even a free member). Despite the free porn site nature, is restraint on advertising, you will unlikely bothered by the Ads when you watching porn on this site.
Fact Check Of Xvideos
Total videos: 8,494,599 scenes
Content: Hardcore sex & explicit contents 94%. Soft content 6%
Category: 183 categories, full & complete.
Average length of videos: shorter than 10 min
Video quality: 1080p, 720p (10% in HD out of the total movies)
Charge: Free-to-use, $9.99 per month for a premium account, 7-days free trial.
User friendly: Yes, low-entry
Mobile Website: Available
Server location: Netherlands, Noord-Holland, Amsterdam
Connectivity: Slow, 180 ms is a super-hot free porn site all around the world. Also, it is the No.1 traffic best free porn site that has the most visitors per day watching porn on it. Both porn video and sex picture galleries are present on
Pornhub has a tremendously large porn library, over 8,961,130 movies and 876,120 images are available on this site (some are exclusive to a premium account). Different from XVideos, Pornhub offers high-quality (up to 4K resolution) porn videos but you must have a premium account to unlock them. Otherwise, the graphic will be present with downgraded quality. The general cost for a premium account will be $9.99 per month. Pornhub allows free members to access the movie source, but a non-premium account would only allow up to 360p resolution quality movies download.
The UX design of is classic, the brown square decorates the white, bold letters on the pure dark background has already become the iconic symbol of internet pornography. And the website its self is generally Ad-free & only sexual-affiliated advertisements will appear on the web.
Fact Check Of Pornhub
Total videos: 8,961,130 scenes & 876,120 images
Content: Hardcore sex & explicit contents 95%. Soft content 5%
Category: 106 categories
Average length of videos: 18 min
Video quality: 1080p, 720p ( FHD quality available for premium account)
Charge: Free-to-use, $9.99 per month for a premium account
User friendly: Yes, epic design
Mobile Website: Available
Server location: US, Massachusetts, Waltham
Connectivity: very fast, 20 ms is the pioneer of the best free porn video site and sexy content streaming. The site was established in early 2001 and served more than 7,900,000 sex movie clips that covered all genres & niches. You can always find the hardcore sex clip on the site benefit of web design, intuitive & effective. And the website will optimize its content according to your location & preference. For example, if you use a VPN and connect to a Japanese proxy server, will exhibit you mostly Japanese & Asian porn movies. With a VPN free porn site, you can use a VPN to switch to different regions to watch different genres like Asian, Caucasian, Indian, etc.
Fact Check Of XNXX
Total videos: 7,948,599 scenes
Content: Hardcore sex & explicit contents 95%. Soft content 5%
Category: 75 categories
Average length of videos: on an average of 10 mins
Video quality: 720p and lower for a free account, 2K & 4K resolution for a premium account
Charge: Free-to-use, $9.99 per month for a premium account
User friendly: Average, good index & guidance, bad color scheme
Mobile Website: Not available
Server location: Netherlands, North-Holland, Amsterdam
Connectivity: Worse than average, 125 ms
Get bored of watching video porn? How about some hot pictures & photos? The will give you a different choice which you can enjoy. The website has been online for longer than a decade. The Image Fap is a picture-oriented porn website. But it also has a lot of the best free porn videos on its site.
The spotlight for Image Fap is its especially has more content made by amateurs even though it has still covered a variety of contents in many niches. Through its solid and humongous porn videos & explicit pictures library, it is still steadily 200 movies with thousands of pictures are updating every day.
Fact Check Of ImgFap
Total videos: 128,064 scenes & 6,720,000 images
Content: Hardcore sex & explicit contents 85%. Soft content 15%
Category: 55 categories
Average length of videos: about 5 mins
Video quality: 720p and lower
Charge: Completely free
User friendly: Below average
Mobile Website: Not available
Server location: Netherlands, Noord-Brabant, Roosendaal
Connectivity: slow, 168 ms
Privacy & Anonymous
Through you having these best free porn sites, watching porn is considered quiet, private entertainment. You’d really like to have your porn time when you stay alone in a private zone where no one could bother you. Neither your family nor others will spot you watching the porn, that's the basic.
When watching porn online, you absolutely want it to be your own thing. Additionally, you will definitely want to keep your kids away from those explicitly exposed content online. And you will feel no happy if your boss catches you when you're watching NSFW videos during work. You want it to be private & secret when watching open sex site porn for sure. But you might not be noticed that: not only living people surround you can spot you watching porn and push you to an awkward situation. If you don't want your mom know you are watching free porn site then why others? Not to mention your internet service provider can monitor your internet activity, so does the government & hackers who want to collect your personal information.
Legit Issue & Regional Ban
Watching porn isn’t a universal right among all
world nations. In some countries, watching porn is officially banned or
illegal. Many Asian countries, like China, Vietnam, Thailand, Sri Lanka,
Singapore, Qatar, even Thailand, and even South Korea, are seriously banned
pornography by law. In some of the countries blocked all traffic from free porn websites. That means, if you travel to these countries, you will not able to watch
those best free porn sites if you try to connect to those websites directly.
You must rely on software assistance to reach those online porn resources.
Besides the technical restriction, some governments will punish if someone watching porn in their territory. There are examples that a foreign visitor got deported just because they’ve watched porn in their country. It is possible that the government monitoring & investigate your device & internet traffic if your internet access is not under protection.
Malicious Phishing & Trojan Abuse
The needs for online porn are booming, and the threats of the malicious virus are growing. Targeting the hassle mentality when people watching porn, phishing Ads & malicious software & virus were set up and baiting your click, then those threats are silently planted in your PC & system.
Your information & data are under threat & possibly be stealing by those trojans. And the virus could possibly slow down or even ruin your computer if you are not taking the right resolve, a VPN for free porn site is somehow important.
For lesser harassed & higher quality porn watching, also read: >>Best Premium Porn Site With Best Service Quality in 2022<<load
All in all, there are three big problems we may have when we try to visit these free porn sites:
· Anonymous & Privacy
· Regional Restriction
· Malicious threats & Phishing sites
Imagine that you are travel to South Korea for business, and you want to watch something to spend your night. Awkwardly, you find you failed to land any porn sites because your internet was monitored & controlled by the government. A hacker is sniffing your private data, while a scammer names “Mary” asking your credit card info on a phishing stripper website… what a bad day.
But there is also good news. You can use a VPN service to hide your IP. With the help of a reliable VPN service provider like iTop VPN, your data & personal privacy could get fully protected from ill-minded hackers.
And VPN could help you to bypass the regional restriction by rerouting the free porn websites traffic through the VPN servers from other countries to your computer. So you will have no problem to access these best free porn sites.
iTop VPN, as one of the most competitive VPN services on the market, covers all these three issues you may have when watching porn on the best free porn site list.
iTop VPN provided several porn sites visit optimized tunnel. You might have noticed that some of the most popular porn tubes servers are not located in the U.S. The connection speed is different when connecting to different porn sites from different places. Thus we all know the physical distance and internet connection quality would be a key effect to your watching experience. The video buffering time & latency will drastically decrease if you are adapting an iTop optimized porn tunnel.
iTop VPN is a dedicated helper to assist you to satisfy your secret enjoyment. Click “Quick Access” on the left-hand banner you will find a “Secret Garden.” iTop VPN gives an optimized list of proxies that ensure your experience when watching porn on these best free porn websites. A faster connection, lesser buffering time, no geo-blocking. That is what exactly you will need.
Like we presented above, you are not allowed to watch porn in some countries. iTop VPN could help you bypass all country ban with a single click. You can also use iTop VPN to switch your IP to access some geo-limited content or search some minority genres in google with a different language, like Japanese AV, BDSM, etc.
Keep Privacy & Anonymous
Once you connect to the iTop VPN service, your IP address will be covered & all your internet traffic will reroute to iTop VPN servers instead of visit the porn site directly. All your traffic flow will be encrypted & keep nobody knows that if you're watching porn online, iTop will handle it for you.
On the other hand, iTop will strictly follow the iron rules as a VPN provider. iTop will never keep any user log anytime to maximize your information security. So, with the assistance of iTop VPN, your privacy is perfectly protected
As we stated, all your data will be well encrypted by iTop VPN and there is no hacker & authorities could get to know your internet usage by analyzing your traffic when you are watching the best porn sites freely. Besides that, the iTop VPN offers a security toolbox that can enhance your internet security.
The Browser Privacy can clean up your visiting trace to prevent your identity from being tracked. The Security Reinforce can prevent unwanted malware & identify the unwanted/ malicious website for you. The Ads Block will block the annoying Ads when you watching those free porn sites – they are not guaranteed safe, at least not promised their Ad sponsors. You can have a secure porn-watching experience with iTop VPN Ad remover!
The last thing and the best thing to mention is the iTop VPN’s free-to-use policy. You have 700 megabytes of traffic open for free use. The traffic cap will reset every day and so there are about 20GB per month. Additionally, you will not ask to input your credit card information & register any monthly/annual plan (like Nord VPN & ExpressVPN) to use the iTop VPN free service. Just download & install the application, run the iTop VPN and click “Connect”, then your internet is fully backed up by iTop internet technology. Though part of the features need you to upgrade to a VIP account to unlock, but a free paid VPN can always brings you better experience
And now you’ve got everything you need to know about the best free porn websites, then go for it enjoy your porn time! Remember, don’t forget to protect your safety & privacy when watching these best free porn sites. You don’t want to be awkward, don’t you? The iTop VPN will help you to resolve all problems when watching porn. Got any issues when watching free porn? Try iTop VPN!
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